
Gennxt Smart Geometry

Your All-in-One Solution for Geometry class

Safer and Smarter Learning Experience

Why Choose Gennxt Smart Geometry?

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All In One Design

Say goodbye to multiple sharp instruments. Gennxt combines the essential geometry tools into one sleek device

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Simplified Functionality

• Designed for Everyone.
• Gennxt makes geometry tasks easier and more accurate for students in all classes.
• We can simultaneously use this device to draw like a compass, measure like a divider, and create straight lines
with the scale.

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Endorsements /Certifications

• Recognized by Bangalore Associate for Science Education (BASE), Institute of Scholars
• Certified by Ramanujan Advanced Mathematical University
• Featured in international media outlets for its innovation at the World Economic Forum held in Dubai

Advantages of Gennxt Smart Geometry Tool

Enhanced Safety

Minimize the risk of injuries with our safe, all-in-one design.

Efficient Learning

Focus on learning, not assembling tools.

Versatile Performance

Form precise measurements for even complex geometry tasks

Compact Design

Embrace the future of learning geometry with Gennxt.

Gennxt Smart Geometry Functions

What Our Users Say?

I loved the Design. It's so simple and convenient. It reduces the worktime spending for each tool for me designing
Architect, Chennai
It's a wonderful tool. Students will enjoy using this tool instead of using the the traditional compass and divider
Syed Abrar
Asst. Professor, Bangalore
It is an unique design. Geometry will be easy hereafter. School students get the results more accurate in their papers
Abiya Merlin
Research Student

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